Ohio Pug Rescue, Inc. (Tax ID: 31-1748269)[Welcome to the Ohio Pug Rescue, Inc.]

Heartfelt Dog Poems

The Pugs
For Jean
My Heart Belongs to a Pug
For Zoe on her anniversary
Little D
A Dog's Plea
A Faithful Dog
A New Life
My Friends, My Pug
Senior Dog

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Panucho (2018)

The Pugs

By Sandy Glasscock

Eleanor & Theodore, my Best Friends
Running & playing, on cold days, staying in
Looking sad, sometimes bad
But when I sit with them, they're always glad.

Couch potatoes, cuddlers,
Must have the human touch
Ankle biters, snoring and such.

Cute chubby puppies, that win over your heart
Before getting to the housebreaking part.
Loves to take walks and go to the park
But at every tree, must stop and mark.

Happy to see me when I walk in the door
And always ready for a ride to the store.
Hoping for ice-cream on the way home
But is perfectly satisfied if they just get a bone.

Eleanor is strong-willed, hyper and quirky.
If it's raining, she won't go out, she might get dirty.
Theodore is a calm, loving, quiet gentleman
But it took him six months to learn to shake hands.

People with pugs have a special place in their heart
For a pet that doesn't have to be smart.
They keep us warm on cold winter nights
Because their talent is cuddling,
And they do it just right!!!

Bridget (2002)

For Jean

By Michelle Santon
Today I woke up, knowing what the day would bring.
I would lose my little girl,
To a disease causing you so much pain.
I looked into your deep brown eyes,
And I knew what I must do.
When they looked at me so lovingly,
I knew you were ready to go, too.
I held you in my lap,
So close to my heart.
I felt your heart beat,
I didn't want to part.
I steadied myself as I got out of the car,
Carrying you with such care,
The tears they flowed,
All over you nose, but this I didn't care.
I watched the clock,
I watched you,
I listened to each breath
That you took.
When our name was called,
I held you tight,
Oh, my sweet Jean,
I so wanted to fight!!!
Your little body was so frail and small.
But you kept your eyes on my face,
And wagged your tail to let me know,
You were aware of me.
The first injection was given to you,
And I watched you slowly fade to sleep.
My hand rested on your heart,
To make sure I felt your last beat.
When you started snoring,
I knew it was time,
I turned you over,
To watch you die.
It happened quickly,
You were gone.
You were at peace,
This I know.
Jeannie, you were not with us,
For long enough I don't think!!!
But I tried to give you all I could,
From bones to lots of treats.
I prayed for you everyday,
That your health would not fail.
You were here much longer than I could have ever hoped,
So freely you must go.
Go and be happy, with Samantha by your side.
Wait for me to join you,
As I live out my life.
Just know that you were loved, my sweet girl,
By your forever Mommie down below.
I wish you could have been here longer,
But I'm just glad we got to have you at all.
Rest in Peace sweet girl.


By Michelle Santon
Beautiful, Happy
Running, Playing, Barking
Home, Family, Wire, Cage
Starving, Dying, Crying
Fearful, Hungry

My Heart Belongs to a Pug

By Jim Figart
Big brown eyes and wrinkled brow,
A playful ball of fun-
Once that Pug was in my arms,
My heart was quickly won.
Running, jumping, chasing toys-
A dog that loves a game.
I found that when that Pug moved in-
My life was not the same.
Sprawled beside my chair at night,
As each day finds its end-
I'm grateful for the blessing
Of my Pug, my loving friend.
Murphy (2005)

For Zoe on her anniversary:

One year ago today,
Your mommie and daddy brought
You home to stay.
I didn't want to think of you as pitiful,
As you struggled with so many things.
Zoe, my sweet girl, you couldn't even walk hardly a step.
I looked at this sweet bundle,
So unnourished and loved.
I didn't know what would happen,
But I swore I would not give up.

Neighbors asked what was wrong with you, and when I explained,
I tried not to cry, for I didn't want to admit,
That you had lived such a life,
And that no one cared if you even existed.
I can't believe it is a year gone by,
That you graced us with your presence.
You fill our home with light, with kisses
And delight.

Zoe, to look at you now, no one would
Ever know.
Of the struggle you had gone through,
Just to get to our home.
You are a pudgy, beautiful girl,
That is just like a weeble wobble.
You love to chase and play,
And bark when you don't get your way!

The scar that seemed so huge,
Is not noticed anymore.
It is just a reminder of all the
Evil you had to endure.
I noticed you seem stiff,
From all of the broken bones
You've had. But you never stop smiling,
Or wagging your tail instead.

I have never seen a baby
Who's eyes shine so bright.
They look just like stars,
Dancing in the night.
Zoe, you have taught me,
All about kindness and love.
You have taught me to have faith
In the Heavenly Father above.

You have a spirit that is like no other.
You never once gave up, regardless
Of how hard things had become.
My sweet Zoe, thank you for
Being in our life.
You have taught me so many things,
Many of which I had never seen.

Zoey, when I hug you so tight,
And smother you with kisses,
Always know that it is because,
You have filled every wish.
Happy Anniversary sweet, beautiful Zoey,
My little dancing girl.
By Michelle Santon

Levander (2009)


By Michelle Santon

A little boy pug,
Who lost an eye.
Sat alone at the shelter,
Just biding his time.

Rescue was called,
And was told to hurry,
The little boy was to be
Put down that day.

I picked up this skinny bundle,
All battered and bruised.
He shook in my arms and
Was so confused.

I brought him home,
And he couldn't believe what he saw,
Four pugs and two
Elkie dogs!J

I watched as Gunther
Thrived in our home.
He loved to sleep and
Chew on his bone.

I fell in love,
With this skinny ole' pug,
I wanted him to be mine,
I wanted him to love.

I thought about him everyday,
And couldn't wait to get home.
Gunther would be waiting,
He knew he was no longer alone.

I watched him gain weight,
And take pleasure in play.
He raced with our babies,
And would crawl in our laps at the end of the day.

I thought, "You need to be mine,
I will love you until the end of time."
But in the back of my mind,
I knew what I must do.

you were adopted,
By a wonderful family.
They were so excited to have you,
Just like I would be.

My heart aches because you are no
Longer here.
I feel so selfish as I shed all of these

I have six wonderful babies,
Who all need my love.
But, Gunther, you were my first,
My first foster to love.

I know in my heart,
I did the right thing,
I miss you so much,
It is just not the same.

I hope you will forgive me,
For grieving like I do,
It is just so hard for me
Too lose such a wonderful baby as you.

are my sweet boy,
Be happy in life.
Your foster mommie love you
More than she can ever express.

Emu (2010)

Little D

From the day I was born something was wrong with me
For my life it was decided I would never see
Never see the green grass where I loved to run and spin
Or never see where my kisses fell, on my Mom's chin
I wanted to prove to everyone I would be okay
But the doctors had something else to say
They said my little body was losing the fight
The battle was no longer just the loss of my sight
Mom told me she loved me and as tear fell from her eye
She cried that she wasn't ready to say good-bye
I kissed her and I love you I tried to say
As I listened to her that night pray
She asked God to help her do the right thing
For him to take me away to hear the pug angels sing
Broken my body may be forever
Broken will my spirit and soul be never.
By Kim Ohlinger
Edith (2006)

A Dog's Plea

By: Anonymous:
Onyx (2003)


By: Vicki Rank
Casey (1997)

A Faithful Dog

By: Anonymous
Marvin K. Mooney (2017)

A New Life

By: Heidi Penrod (2004)
Joely (2010)

My Friends, My Pugs

By: Sam Greatorex (2006) - pictured with Basil and Peaches
Hazel (2005)

Senior Dog

By Kyla Jones to her forever pug Roy

A treasure trove discarded,
Just because the chest looked old.
Opal eyes, silver fur
And heart of antique gold.

A soul of deep devotion breathes
Within that form grown frail,
And happiness still dances,
In that joyous, crooked tail.

Your eyes don't register the glow
Of sunlight from above,
But see, with sharp acuity,
The inner lights of love.

Your ears don't hear the words of love,
Whispered in the dark,
But your heart hears every syllable
And answers in your bark.

I cannot make you young again,
And I'm not sure I would.
Your years have made you who you are,
A treasure, bright and good.

OPR does not adopt outside of the state of Ohio, no exceptions.

If you live outside Ohio and wish to adopt a Pug, please refer to your local Pug rescue.

Your generous donation to OPR is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Tax ID: 31-1748269